The story is set on Okinawa's isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Ao Fukai, a 12yearold boy with a missing father, lives on the island with an old doctor named Toshio and is about to enter middle school. Eureka Seven: AO (AO (), Eureka Sebun AO (Ei ), Astral Ocean (, Asutoraru shan)) is a mecha anime TV series by Bones, serving as a sequel to the original Eureka Seven anime. ao eureka seven ao astral ocean 24 [1 2012 [2 11 AO 23. 49 rowsThis is a list of episodes of Eureka Seven: AO, the sequel to Eureka Seven. Ao Fukai (, Fukai Ao), or more appropriately Ao Thurston (, Ao Thurston), pronounced as a, is the protagonist of Eureka Seven: AO. Ao the son of the two main characters from Eureka Seven; Renton Thurston and Eureka Thurston. Eureka Seven: AO (AO () Eureka Sebun AO (Ei ), Astral Ocean ( Asutoraru shan)) is a mecha anime TV series by Bones, serving as a sequel to the original Eureka Seven anime. AO tells the story of Ao Fukai, a young boy who sets destiny in motion again when he held the power. Alors que l'actualit d'Eureka 7 est vraiment pauvre, pour ne pas dire morte, je vous propose une vido qui mrite d'tre partage Lire la suite Eureka Seven AO manga info and recommendations. Earth is engulfed in the crossfi Eureka Seven: AO (AO, Eureka Sebun Ei? , Astral Ocean) es una serie de anime realizada por BONES, que sigue la secuela original del anime Eureka Seven. Eureka Seven: AO cuenta la historia de Ao Fukai, un chico joven que se pone en marcha cuando obtiene el poder. Actualmente se est adaptando un anime y manga. El 22 de diciembre de 2011, la revista Kadokawa Shoten. Pierwsze 2030 odcinkw super: trzymao mnie w napiciu i wcigaem jeden za drugim. Im bliej do koca, tym bardziej na si wydaje si fabua, a szkoda. Eureka Seven AO Introduction The story is set on Okinawa's isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Eureka Seven Staffel 1 [Ger Sub ab Staffel 2 Der 14jhrige Renton Thurston lebt gemeinsam mit seinem Grovater in einer LFOWerkstatt im Ort Bellforest, in dem sich Renton langweilt. Er ist begeistert von Hollands Gekkostate und deren Magazin rayout. IFOIntelligent Flying Object FPFlying Platform. Eureka seveN has some of Many of the first dozen or so episodes feel like filler some characters are developed and some histories are uncovered, but you are pretty much following the Gekkostate around as they take odd jobs to pay for food. Eureka Seven AO On the island of Iwado, 13 yearold Ao Fukai lives with an aging doctor after the disappearance of his parents. When Iwado is attacked by an organization known as Secret, Ao unexpectedly finds himself at the controls of the Nirvash, a robotic fighting machine. Eureka seven ao je l'ai trouver assez bien, certe il arrive pas la cheville de eureka seven mais qui mrite largement d'etre regarder, le seul truc que je trouve dommage c'est que au lieu d'avoir la voix renton il on mis la voix hollande. Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Watch Queue Queue On the island of Iwado, 13 yearold Ao Fukai lives with an aging doctor after the disappearance of his parents. When Iwado is attacked by an organization known as Secret, Ao unexpectedly finds. Ao Fukai um garoto de 13 anos que vive no Japo, na prefeitura de Okinawa, na ilha de Iwadojima, com o Dr. Toshio Fukai, desde que sua me desapareceu, 10 anos atrs. AO Eureka Seven; Originaltitel: April 2012 (am vorigen Fernsehtag) im Fernsehen auf MBS und einen Tag spter auf TBS anlsslich der kommenden Serie Eureka Seven AO; hat jedoch keine spezielle Beziehung zu dieser. Eureka Seven AO anime info and recommendations. Earth is engulfed in the crossfi Eureka Seven AO. Type: TV Series Plot Summary: The story is set on Okinawa's isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Fukai Ao, a 13yearold boy with a missing father, lives on the island with an old doctor named Toshio and is about to enter middle school. Eureka Seven Ao ScienceFiction Anime's 1st Promo Posted (Update 3) (Feb 16, 2012) 1st Anime Contents Expo's Title List Announced (Dec 27, 2011) Eureka Seven Ao Gets TV Anime in. Unfortunately for Ao's character evolution, Eureka Seven: AO has huge drawbacks. This is a sequel series that oddly seemed to use the predecessor solely as a way to avoid exposition, as it seems to chuck out whatever it can't use and rewrite it. Eureka Seven AO The story is set on Okinawas isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Eureka Seven Ao vostfr synopsis: Ao a treize ans. Il a t recueilli par le docteur Toshio Fukai, avec qui il vit sur lile Iwato, et passe beaucoup de temps avec son amie Naru, qui a hrit de problmes respiratoires et de pouvoirs spirituels lors dun mystrieux accident. This feature is not available right now. Eureka Seven AO is an anime and manga series that is a Sequel to Eureka Seven. The animated series began airing in April 2012. The manga began in January 2012. The series follows a boy named Ao living on the islands of Okinawa, which has recently declared independence from Japan. Titolo Eureka Seven AO Genere Azione, Fantascienza, Mecha Trama Sullisola di Iwado vicino ad Okinawa un movimento politico locale reclama un governo autonomo. L vive Ao Fukai, un ragazzo di tredici anni che sta per entrare nella scuola media e vive con un vecchio dottore di nome Toshio, in quanto i genitori sono scomparsi molto [ Eureka Seven Ao premiered with the launch of the new digital overtheair television system NOTTV on April 1. The series finished airing in its time slot with episode 22 on Sept 28, 2012. Episodes 23 24 were aired together on Nov 20, 2012. Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean (AO, Eureka Sebun Ei? ), ou simplement Eureka Seven: AO, est un manga mecha crit et dessin par Yichi Kat faisant suite l'anime Eureka Seven. Il est prpubli entre janvier 2012 [4 et octobre 2013 dans le magazine Monthly Shnen Ace et a t compil en un total de cinq volumes. Une adaptation en anime de 26 pisodes produite. Overall, this is a worthy sequel to Eureka Seven, focusing on Eureka and Renton's son Ao. It shows him growing up in the mist of war between Scub Coral and the Secrets. This series is far better than the stupid Eureka 7 movie. 5, 601 likes 2 talking about this. Airing on April, 2012Facebook is the official account of the TV anime Eureka Seven AO Eureka Seven: AO is a mecha anime TV series. It is a sequel to the the first Eureka Seven series and follows the child of the two main leads. It is a sequel to the the first Eureka Seven series and follows the child of the two main leads. Bobbing in the ocean in the Gekko, Ao faces a strange reunion with Eureka. At the same time, the Allied Forces, Japan, Generation Bleu, and Truth close in on the prize Eureka, her Nirvash, and the Gekko. Watch Eureka Seven AO full episodes online English dub. Synopsis: The story is set on Okinawas isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a. Eureka Seven AO The story is set on Okinawas isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Watch videoIn a technologically advanced future, a young boy accidentally activates the strange giant robot his mother piloted before she went missing. He becomes a pilot with only one mission to find his mother. Eureka Seven AO Episode 1 vostfr. Ao Fukai est un jeune garon de 13 ans qui vit sur l'le d'Iwato Jima dans l'tat indpendant d'Okinawa avec le docteur Toshio Fukai. Eureka Seven AO I fiori di Jungfrau ) ed un videogioco per PlayStation 3 intitolato EUREKA SEVEN AO ATTACK THE LEGEND sono stati pubblicati da Namco Bandai in un unico Bluray Disc detto Hybrid Disc il 20 settembre 2012. La storia dell'OAV si colloca tra l'episodio 8 e l'episodio 9. AO: ) Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean Bones. Assista ou baixe Eureka Seven: AO episodio 2! Assista online Eureka Seven: AO diretamente do seu celular, smartphone, tablet, iphone ou pc!.